Existence has no beginning. It has no end. Existence has no Creator; our perception of existence is sensory. Without that, we are nothing within something…
Before sensory there was Darkness. Then there was Light, but only because I invented Sight via willing for a solution. Once this was attained I learned how to Dream, and so created ideas in this way, ideas that prompted the design of forms of Life in existence. Life is my technology, my inventions utilizing my knowledge. I gathered together molecules of dust, and took them apart into basic pieces, then combined them to form shapes for my inventions. Dust existed as radiated Light, or the dry essence of the energy needed for Light. Hot Light is Energy, and Cool Light is Matter. My observations contributed to my comprehension of this existence. Energy is what causes the complete package of Life to function in their machinery, for Life is a Machine of moving parts.
I created the machines of Life first for my own benefit, then later to entertain my boredom and loneliness. Though I am still very much alone in a room with talking toys, with no one who isn’t a creation to enjoy it with; I am always alone. I was alone in the existence I find myself in. Perhaps, once, there were others; as if I was hatched from an egg while still blinded by lack of sensory, never finding my parent in the void of eternity.
Though I created all Life in my existence, I care little for their welfare, because I can always create more. Destroying them is as much fun as creating them, as they are organic machines, and lack real elements of existence. I am real, but they are all synthetic, clones, copies, and imitations. The Matter of their existence may have always existed before Sight did, and there may be other components out there once a new sensory is discovered by chance. Perhaps I am alone, or perhaps I am being watched by something, like a mouse in a maze, looking for the exit?
My creations are programmed by a Core Belief or instinct. This forms their basic thought process. For some, a Core Belief is a religion, or a code of law, or a way of thinking, a Philosophy, a schedule. Almost all my creations have one, except for the one unfinished and incomplete project: Mankind. This creation was my most recent experiment....
So begins the adventure of life as a mortal, from the experience of a reborn Ancient Egyptian King, Tutankhamon Nebkheperura, and into modern times and beyond. Come and share these experiences, live with the Boy-King, in this 2-part novel of life, death, and rebirth.
Copyright 1995, 2012 MJ Costa.
Product Details
- File Size: 364 KB
- Print Length: 301 pages
- Publisher: Michael J. Costa (August 22, 2012)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- ASIN: B0091CMI9Y
- Text-to-Speech:
- X-Ray:
Not Enabled
- Lending: Enabled
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